Reusable cotton buds (swabs), a good deal for the planet and the wallet

Tips and tricks on ear hygiene

The cowl does not make the monk 

Q-tip swabs, a super small waste, but also a super polluting waste. We find this hygienic object in the top 10 of the most numerous wastes in our oceans and on our beaches, but also in the belly of fish or sea birds.  According to the site : "Today, researchers at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) -- Australia's government agency for scientific research -- believe the situation is already more critical than we thought. Their work suggests that literally 8-14 million tonnes of microplastics, including cotton buds, are lining the seabed of our planet. This is one of the reasons why plastic cotton buds have been banned from sale since 1 January 2020. 

But then, what should we use? 

According to some ENT specialists, there is a very simple solution: just run a jet of water through your ears, then dry them thoroughly for a sufficient result.

But for those who still prefer to use an instrument to clean their ears, there are alternatives. The most common are disposable cotton q-tips made of paper, cardboard or bamboo,... or oriculis (made of bamboo). The problem with these alternatives is that they are either disposable or made of bamboo (from Asia and more often from China). 

But don't worry, an innovative and very recent solution exists: the swab from Graine de malice

This reusable ear pick is made of FSC wood from Germany, with silicone tips and environmentally friendly organic cotton packaging. It can be used for a lifetime and is of course washable. 

Thanks to this solution, no more need to buy cotton buds and no more need to worry about the planet, thanks to its ecological composition, you are doing the right thing ! 

The ultimate swab 

Thanks to its Belgian manufacture, the Graine de malice swab is as "local" as possible.  

Available with an FSC wooden case (also from Germany), in an organic cotton fabric (made in Belgium) or in bulk, everything has been thought of to make this product as environmentally friendly as possible..

The soft silicone tips provide the softness and comfort of traditional cotton buds, which is not offered by oriculis and other bamboo or metal earpicks..

In a nutshell  

Do you wash your ears only with water and a washcloth? Then you need nothing. 

Do you prefer a rigid curette and the sensation doesn't bother you? Then choose an ear pick made of European wood or metal. 

Do you like the soft touch of a soft tip and the feeling of cleanliness? Then the Graine de malice swab is for you and you will never have to buy another one. 

If you too have been convinced by this presentation and this blog has opened your ears... well... it shouldn't be as it's only a blog... know that this swab is sold in duo with a beauty applicator. Its price is also ridiculously low compared to disposable single-use products. It is available now on






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