For women, a protective and natural shaving gel

Make your own 2 in 1 shaving gel: Easy shaving and moisturising.

More and more women prefer shaving to hair removal. Quick and easy, simply pass the razor over the affected areas (legs, armpits, intimate parts) when you are taking a shower.

Shaving sometimes causes discomfort and itching. The shaving gel limits irritation, moisturizes and protects your skin.

Here are a few tips to follow before shaving to make it easier :

- Wash your shaver before each use

- Take a warm or hot shower to soften the hair.

- Apply shaving gel with a shaving brush or fingertips..

- Pass the razor over and it's done! Your skin is soft and moisturized.  Sensitive areas are protected.

To protect your underarms, complete your "natural care" ritual by using a Palmarosa DIY deodorant for example..


30 g washing base 

50 ml of camelina oil 

20 drops of lavender essential oil

1 TBS water

1 bottle


1) Pour the water into the soap.
2) Then camelina oil.
3) Pour the lavender essential oil.
4) Mix vigorously.
5) Pour the mixture into a pump bottle.

You get an easy and natural shaving gel!


Votre shopping pour réaliser votre gel à raser naturel

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