Abeego is a Canadian company

Abeego saves bees by saving food. Did you know that the average household throws away 1 in 4 products in the trash? Imagine the positive effect we would have on bees if we took good care of the fresh food they provide.

Abeego is completely natural. Every ingredient used comes from the earth and will return to it without leaving a trace.

Abeego is zero waste. "Waste" is actually a resource. From day one, we've been committed to wasting nothing, so we created bag ties and firelighters with the excess.

Abeego stands the test of time. Planned obsolescence must be obsolete. Beeswax is precious, so we make Abeego durable. You will only replace your packaging when it is used.

Abeego uses minimal energy to produce its products. Mostly handmade, with the exception of our impressive waxing machine, which has tripled our output using the same amount of energy.