How much water should you drink per day?

Hydration is good, the right amount is better

Now that you know all about the human right to safe drinking water  and  why it is important to drink water, let's talk about how much to drink at least. 

We also explain whether drinking too much is possible and how you can easily increase the amount of water you drink per day.


  1. How much water should you drink per day? 

  2. Can you drink too much water?

  3. How can you drink more water?

1. How much water should you drink per day? 

It is advisable for an adult to drink between 1.5L and 2L of water per day. 

This amount varies according to the lifestyle, weight, age, sex and physical activity of the person concerned. 

Someone who does a lot of sport, who lives in a warmer climate will need more water. A woman who is menstruating or pregnant will need more water. 

At home, to help you keep an adequate supply of water, consider using a BRITA water filter jug or a Coolmart water dispenser. In addition to having water available, it will be of good quality. 

Verre eau glacée avec pastèque
carafe d'eau en verre avec plante

2. Can you drink too much water?

Even though water is essential for us, it is possible to drink too much water. It is even fatal if you drink more than 8.3L of water in a day and 3 to 4L in less than an hour. 

This is first called a hydraulic coma before reaching the final stage. There are also other early symptoms such as excessive sweating and sleep disturbances. 

Some people suffer from potomania, a psychological disorder that forces the person to "purify" themselves by drinking large quantities of water per day.

3. How can you drink more water?

Drinking water is good. But how do you find the motivation, think about it and get started? 

Some zero-waste tips to motivate yourself, think of a nice  glass carafe  or  glass bottles  in the fridge that are always fresh, add  binchotan activated charcoal sticks   to greatly improve the taste or  ceramic beads

How can we increase our daily water consumption?

  • Fruity water

  • Home-made iced tea

  • Hot water + lemon

  • Sparkling water + lemon juice or orange juice

a. Fruity water

Fruity water or "detox" water as you hear everywhere. This is just another way of making you believe that a mixture of foods can make you lose weight or "purify" you. 

However, it is true that these fruity waters are very pleasant on a hot summer day or simply on a daily basis to increase our water intake. 

It's simple to make, looks great in a  glass flask  or  glass mug  and is delicious. 

All you need is a few slices of fruit, some mint leaves in a carafe and your water is naturally flavoured.

verre eau fruitée joli pastèque orange

b. Home-made iced tea

Is your garden full of mint? Thyme? Think of homemade iced tea. 

Just pick a few branches, put them in a  glass carafe, leave in the fridge overnight and you're done! You have a refreshing water with a good taste of mint and thyme.  

If you don't have any herbs in your garden or if you want other flavours, simply slip in a bag of your favourite tea or a stainless steel tea ball with rooibos or green tea.  

Aromandise  offers delicious iced teas. They are easy to use and have a variety of flavours.

Leave to infuse for a few days in a pretty glass with a  stainless steelbamboo  or  paste  straw and enjoy.

Thé glacé avec paille en cuivre

c. Hot water + lemon

A grandmother's remedy for sore throats, and an easy homemade tea, I named: hot water with lemon! 

Take half a lemon, squeeze it into your boiling water, and enjoy! Don't hesitate to add a spoonful of honey to make it even better. 

In addition to curing sores, you will improve your daily water consumption. Take it with you in a pretty  glass mug  in the car, at the office or on a walk.

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d. Sparkling water + lemon juice or orange juice

Are you a fan of soft drinks like Coke, Fanta, Orangina? 

What if I told you that you could do it at home for much less and that it's easy and healthy? 

Take a bottle of sparkling water, a  citrus squeezer, oranges or lemons as you prefer. 

Gently squeeze the fruit in your citrus press. The juice is put in a nice glass or carafe with sparkling water (50/50) depending on the quantity. 

You let it cool and then you enjoy it. You have a refreshing, calorie-free soda that hydrates you, so don't thank me...

Odoo - Echantillon n°1 pour trois colonnes

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Why is drinking water important?
Hydration is as important to life as nutrition