In spring, nature awakens, the sap rises in the tree and it is the right time to harvest this elixir of youth.

Foldable bowl for dogs
9.71 € 2.91 €
9.71 € 2.91 €
2.91 €  (-70%)
Recyclable dog bowl - bamboo
16.07 € 4.82 €
16.07 € 4.82 €
4.82 €  (-70%)
Bi-Poux® powder flask 400 g
28.96 € 8.69 €
28.96 € 8.69 €
8.69 €  (-70%)
Leather balsam 150gr
15.87 € 4.76 €
15.87 € 4.76 €
4.76 €  (-70%)
Dogbal on a rope - Naturalrubber
17.68 € 5.30 €
17.68 € 5.30 €
5.30 €  (-70%)
Dog ball - Natural rubber
16.19 € 4.86 €
16.19 € 4.86 €
4.86 €  (-70%)