My liquid laundry soap Marseille DIY

How to make my laundry product with Marseille soap flakes? Easy, ecological and soft for my skin, my clothes and my wallet!


Basic equipment :

-  A large saucepan

- A cheese grater

- A bucket with spout if possible

-  A wooden spoon

- A funnel

- An empty and clean 3 l can or 3 glass bottles of 1 l

- A hand mixer (as for the soup)


- 2 liters of boiling water

- 1 liter of cold water

- 100 gr of Marseille soap 72%, grated

- 3 tablespoons of baking soda

- 20 drops of lavender / orange / rose / lemon / mandarin / verbena essential oil (optional)

Recipe :

1. Grate Marseille soap and pour into the bucket

2. Heat the 2 liters of water, pour into the bucket and mix using the wooden spoon

3. Add the baking soda and mix again

4. Let sit for 24 hours. The mixture will gel and create a block of soap

5. Add cold water and mix

6  Mix everything well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained

7. Add the essential oil of your choice

8. Pour the homemade detergent into the chosen containers, close and label the content for everyone's safety

9. Shake the container vigorously before each use to homogenize the detergent

10. Put the equivalent of a bottle cap on each wash like a conventional detergent

Tips :

- Pour 1 tablespoon of baking soda into the softener drawer to neutralize bad smells (perspiration, etc.)

- Store your laundry at room temperature, away from heat and cold 

- If your laundry is very dirty, add 2 tablespoons of soda percarbonate directly on the laundry, this will increase the effectiveness of the wash

Make your own dishwasher detergent: it's easy, economical and eco-friendly!
Every saving counts, and this alternative detergent only costs 5 cent per washing cycle. So what are you waiting for?